AI Models

Investigation of the orbital period and mass relations for W UMa-type contact systems

Based on an idea, we have introduced a new relationship for the W UMa systems. If there is photometric data, it is feasible to estimate the mass of the primary component with good accuracy using this relationship. This is a three-parameter (P-T1-M1) relationship modeled using the Artificial Neural Network (ANN) method. This model shows that there is a significant interaction between these three parameters simultaneously. Therefore, M1 can be estimated if one knows both the orbital period and the temperature of the primary component. For further information, see the following published article:
To use this model to estimate M1, please enter the required values in its place. Units: Orbital period (day); temperature (Kelvin).

Note: The best estimation in this version is for the primary components with masses greater than 0.4 (M_Sun).

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